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Penulis : tugas kuliah on Kamis, 15 Maret 2012 | 23.54

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Nama : Yopi Atul Improh Atik
KelasL: 4EA06
NPM : 11208317

Adverb Clause terdiri dari dua kata yaitu “Adverb” and “Clause” adverb adalah : kata keterangan yang menerangkan verb (kata kerja) dan adjective (kata sifat), sedangkan clause adalah : anak kalimat. Jadi adverb clause adalah anak kalimat yang menerangkan kata sifat dan kata kerja dan berfungsi sebagai adverb.
Adverb clause adalah terdiri dari delapan macam: seperti: Adverb clause of time, Adverb clause of place, Adverb clause of contrast, Adverb clause of menner, adverb clause of reanson, adverb clause of result, adverb clause of condition, dan adverb clause of contrast.
Pengertian Adverb Clause
Adverb clause adalah anak kalimat yang menerangkan kata kerja dan kata sifat, yang berfungsi sebagai adverb. Rumus umum adverb clause. Subject + predicet + conj + subject + predicet. Tapi bisa saja conjuntion di awal sesuai dengan kalimatnya.
a.I met her when + was walking to school.
(saya menjumpainya ketika saya sedang berjalan ke sekolah)
b.As he was sick, he went to she doctor.
(Karena dia sakit, dia pergi kedokter).
c.I can’t go out because my mother is sick.
(saya tak dapat pergi karena ibu saya sakit).

Jenis-Jenis Adverb Clause
1.Clause of Time
Clause yang artinya waktu. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti after, before, no sooner, while, as.
a.While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
(Sementara ia berjalan pulang, dia melihat kecelakaan).
b.By the time I arrive, Iwan will have left.
(Pada saat saya tiba, Iwan akan tersisa).

2.Clause of Place
Clause yang artinya tempat. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti where, nowhere, anywhere, wherever.
a.They sat down wherever they could find empty seats.
(Mereka duduk di mana pun mereka bisa menemukan kursi kosong).
b.Where there is poverty, there we find discontent and unrest.
(Dimana ada kemiskinan, di sana kita menemukan ketidakpuasan dan kerusuhan).

3.Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause yang menunjukkan adanya pertentangan antara dua kejadian atau peristiwa yang saling berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time.
a.As the time you were sleeping, we were working hard.
(Sementara waktu kau tidur, kami bekerja keras).
b.He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
(Dia sangat ramah, bahkan jika dia adalah mahasiswa pintar).

4.Clause of Manner
Clause yang menunjukkan cars bagaimana suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti as, how, like, in that.
a.He did as I told him.
(Dia melakukan seperti yang saya katakan padanya).
b.You may finish it how you like.
(Anda bisa menyelesaikannya bagaimana Anda suka).
c.They may beat us again, like they did in 2012.
(Mereka mungkin mengalahkan kita lagi, seperti yang mereka lakukan pada tahun 2011).

5.Adverb Clause of Reanson
Adalah sebuah anak kalimat yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebab atau alasan. Adverb clause of reason di awali dengan konjungsi (penghubungnya) adalah : as/ since/ because/ whereas/ on the ground that.
a.Is I love you, I can do anything for you.
(Karena saya mencintaimu, saya bisa melakukan apa saja untukmu)
b.Since she has a desire to marry, she discontinued her studing.
(Karena dia mempunyai rencana untuk menikah, dia tidak melanjutkan sekolahnya)
c.I stopped the work because I was tired.
(Saya berhenti bekerja karena saya capek)
d.Whereas I came late, My father punishet me.
(Karena saya terlambat, ayah saya menghukum saya)
e.His teacher punishet him on the grand that, he came late.
(Gurunya menghukumnya, karena dia datang terlambat).

6.Adverb Clause of Result
Adalah sebuah anak kalimat yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan hasil perbuatan atau akibat. Adverb clause of result di awali dengan konjungsi so that, so + adjective + that, so + adverb + that, so.
a.Nadhavi was so beautiful that I loved her at first sight.
(Nadhavi sangat cantik sehingga saya menyukainya)
b.He studies so hard that many studienst like him.
(Dia begitu giat belajar sehingga banyak siswa suka padanya).

7.Adverb Clause of Condition
Adalah sebuah anak kalimat yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kondisi. Adverb clause of condition di awali dengan konjungsi if/ unless/ whether/ provided that and so long as.
a.If you help me, I shall be happy.
(Jika kamu menolong saya, saya akan senang).
b.Unless you tell her about your love, she won’t know it.
(Jika kamu tidak mengatakan cintamu kepadanya, dia tidak akan mengetahuinya).
c.You must do this wheter, you like it or not.
(Kamu harus mengetahui ini meskipun kamu menyukainya atau tidak).
d.I ean help you provide that you must follow my advice.
(Saya bisa menolongmu, jika kamu mengikuti nasehat saya).
e.So long as you work hard, you have no problem with me.
(Sepanjang kamu bekerja keras, kamu tidak punya masalah dengan saya).

8.Adverb Clause of Contrast
Adverb Clause of Contrast adalah sebuah anak kalimat yang menerangkan bertentangan. Adverb Clause of Contrast diawali dengan konjungsi: although, eventh ough, though, whet eyer, no matter, however much, not with standing that.
a.I still no money although I worked hard.
(Saya masih tak punya uang walaupun saya bekerja keras).
b.Eventhough hehates me, he lend me the bock.
(Walaupun dia membenci saya, dia meminjami saya buku).
c.Though he is rice, he never give me the money.
(Walaupun dia kaya, dia tak pernah memberi saya uang).
d.Whetever he has done, he is your fathe
(Apapun yang ia perbuat, dia itu ayahmu).
e.No mather what she sald, I still love her.
(Tak masalah apa yang ia katakan, saya masih tetap mencintainya).
f.She will never succed however much he may try.
(Dia tidak akan berhasil biar bagaimanapun ia mencobanya).
g.He was not refreshed not with standing that he had spent 2 weeks leave.
(Ia tidak segar meskipun is telah mengambil cuti 2 minggu).

cinderella story
A long time ago in a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named garlic. They are a happy family. Although garlic dad just ordinary traders, but they live in harmony and peace. However one day mom garlic ill and eventually died. Garlic is very grieved as did his father.

In the village lived a widow who also has a son named Onion. Since the mother died Garlic, Shallots mother often visited the house garlic. He often brought food, helped clean the house or garlic Garlic and just accompany her father to talk. Finally my father thought that garlic may be better if he had married only the mother Shallots, Garlic is not so lonely anymore.

In consideration of garlic, the Garlic father married the mother of red onion. Mother initially red onion and the garlic is very good. But over time the original nature they began to appear. They often scold garlic and give him a tough job if the father was going to trade Garlic. Garlic should be doing all the housework, while the red onion and the mother just sitting around. Garlic, of course dad did not know it, because Garlic is never told.

Garlic One day my father fell ill and later died. Since then the Onion and his mother more powerful and abusive towards Garlic. Garlic is almost never at rest. He had to get up before dawn, to prepare the water bath and breakfast for Onion and his mother. Then he had to feed livestock, watering gardens and washing clothes in the river. And he still had to iron, clean the house, and many other jobs. But Garlic is always doing his work, rejoicing that he hopes one day her stepmother would have loved him like his own child.

This morning as usual Garlic carrying basket of clothes to be washed in the river. With a little singing him down a path on the edge of the woods the usual path. The day was very sunny. Garlic immediately wash all dirty clothes he was carrying. Because too much fun, Garlic does not realize that one of the clothes have been washed away. Unfortunately the washed clothes are his stepmother's favorite shirt. When aware of it, dress her stepmother had been swept away too much. Try the garlic down the river to look for it, but did not manage to find it. In despair he went back home and tell his mother.

"Basic careless!" Snapped the stepmother. "I do not want to know, you just have to find that dress! And do not dare go home if you have not found it. Understand? "

Garlic is forced to indulge ibun stepfather. He quickly washed down the river where he was. The sun was rising, but the Garlic is yet to find his mother's clothes. He put up his eyes, a careful examination of each root panhandle that juts into the river, who knows his mother's clothes caught there. After stepping away and the sun was leaning to the west, Garlic saw a shepherd who was bathing water buffalo. Garlic then asked: "O my good uncle, is uncle to see the red dress that swept through here? Because I have to find and bring him home. "" Yes I had seen my boy. If you chase him quickly, maybe you can catch him, "the uncle said.

"Well, uncle, thank you!" Said Garlic and immediately ran back down. It was getting dark, Garlic was getting desperate. Soon the night will come, and Garlic. From a distance the light appears to come from a shack on the riverbank. Garlic immediately went to the house and knocked.
"Excuse me ...!" Garlic said. An old woman opened the door.
"Who are you boy?" Asked the old woman.
"My Garlic Nan. Just now I'm looking for my mother's clothes are washed away. And now too late. Can I stay here tonight? "Said Garlic.
"Sure kid. Are you looking for clothes that are red? "Said the grandmother.
"Yes, Grandma. What ... the grandmother found him? "Said Garlic.

"Yes. The dress was caught in front of my house. Unfortunately, and I liked that shirt, "said the grandmother. "Well I'll be back, but first you must accompany me here for a week. I have not talked with anyone, how? "Pleaded white nenek.Bawang thought for a moment. Grandma looked lonely. Garlic also feel sorry for. "Well grandma, I would accompany my grandmother for a week, from grandma does not get bored with me," he said with a smile Garlic.

Garlic week-long stay with the grandmother. Every day Garlic helps with housework grandmother. Of course, the old woman happy. Until finally even been a week, she called the grandmother of garlic.
"Son, have you lived here a week. And I'm glad that you are diligent and dutiful son. According to my promise that you can bring your mother's clothes to go home. And another thing, you may choose one of two pumpkins this as a gift! "Said the grandmother.
Garlic initially refused to be rewarded but it forced her grandmother. Garlic finally chose the smallest pumpkin. "I am not afraid to take a big strong," he said. Grandma smiled and Garlic deliver up to the front of the house.

At home, Garlic handed his stepmother's red shirt as he went into the kitchen to split the yellow squash. Surprise garlic when the pumpkin was split, inside it contains a lot of gold jewelry. She screamed and was so excited to tell this wonderful stepmother and onion langsun greedily grab the gold and jewels. They forced the garlic to tell how he could get the prize. Garlic was told the truth.

Hear stories of garlic, onions and her mother plan to do the same thing but this time the onions will do. In short onion finally got the old grandmother's house on the edge of the river. Such as garlic, onion was asked to accompany him for a week. Unlike an avid garlic, red onions for a week it's just lazy. Even if there is done then the result is never good because it has always done poorly. Finally after a week's grandmother allow onions to go. "Should not grandma gave me a pumpkin as a reward for a week with you," asked the red onion. The old woman had ordered onion choose one of two pumpkins on offer. Onion quickly take a large pumpkin and without thanked him walked away.

When I got home to his mother shortly onion and pumpkin happily showed he was carrying. For fear will ask for the garlic, garlic telling them to go to the river. Then eagerly they divide the pumpkin. But it was not gold jewels out of the pumpkin, but venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were immediately attacked the shallots and his mother to death. That is the reward of the greedy.
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